Industry Secrets: How SEO And Brand Marketing Can Increase Your Web Traffic

Digital Marketing

Hey hey friends!

Today I am going to talk about how your branding and SEO can work together to create some seriously kick-ass SEO brand marketing.

This is a massively under-utilized tactic that entrepreneurs and business owners forget about because it feels like SEO and branding are two separate things, but really, they are very intertwined. It’s basically like peanut butter and jelly (or fluff, or banana or whatever floats your boat)! Each can only get you so far, but when you use them together, some serious magic can happen.

So how does branding work together with SEO?

Picture this…are you picturing? Ok.

  1. User searches on the internet for a service you provide.
  2. They click on your search result because you have AWESOME SEO support in place.
  3. They come to your website and one of two things happens. They stick around because they love your vibe, or they bounce right back to the search engine results because they just aren’t feeling it.

Best case scenario is that your website design and SEO support are attracting the right kind of clients or customers, and users loves your energy and vibe and stick around and convert!

When you’re branding is spot on AND you’re using the right kind of keywords to attract your ideal customer, you already have a major advantage against the competition.

So how can your branding support your SEO efforts and vice versa?

1. Really understand your ideal client’s pain points. When you know what problems they can have, you can offer the best solution. Which also means you can get really specific with keywords.

For example, let’s say you’re a mindfulness coach. You know that your ideal client is a burned out mom in her mid 30’s looking for help with being present and living in the moment. Right off the bat you have some immediate keywords to create content around, such as “mindfulness tips for mom,” or “mindfulness coach for busy moms.”

When you create a course or blog post centered on these terms, hone in your SEO, girl! Make sure that you have on-page optimization in place and that you’re linking out to other pages on your website. Image SEO matters too, so don’t forget alt tags. In other words, make sure your SEO is 100% on point.

So now, after you’ve written your amazing kick-ass content, take the information outlined above and apply it to your branding, messaging, expertise and who YOU are as a coach. So when the next burned out mom comes to your website because of your awesome SEO support and keyword focused content, she sticks around because YOUR BRANDING is on-point and your website and energy is a place she wants to spend time in.

Pretty cool, right? So how are you going to use branding + SEO to create some magic for your website?  Let me know in the comments or send me an email, I would love to hear about what you’re doing!

Looking for more SEO tips to help Slay Your SEO? Download my free beginner SEO checklist!

August 24, 2021





