The Future of Search: 3 Predictions for SEO in the Future of Generative AI Search


In today’s episode of Elevated Visibility, we’re going to talk about the new era of search and SEO that’s coming with the integration of Generative AI into Google Search that was announced at the Google I/O Conference 2023 last week. I’m almost more excited than I am petrified.

Tune in to discover what search is going to look like with this update and my three predictions for what to focus on to AI-proof your SEO and visibility strategy and thrive in 2023 and beyond.

In this episode:

  • What Google Search will look like with the integration of Generative AI
  • How I really feel about ChatGPT and what we should beware of
  • Trust signals are going to be the way of the future
  • Video is going to be a must-have in all industries
  • Having a Legacy Content strategy is going to be even more critical

Elevated Visibility: practical SEO, marketing, and soul-talk for female founders with zero bullshit + 100% compassion.

This is the last episode of Season 2, but do not worry! I will be back on July 11th in your earbuds and bringing all the SEO goodness to you.

Resources & Links

FREE DOWNLOAD: simple, straightforward, actionable SEO tips you can start implementing today. Grab your SEO checklist at

Check out this article from Google that maps out how Google Search is actually going to look like with the integration of Generative AI and this other one from Search Engine Land that explains it with GIFS.

If you want to see the future of Search for yourself, you can sign up for beta testing the Google Search Labs here.

Connect with Nina

Nina Gibson is a holistic SEO expert and visibility coach, search maven, and corporate drop-out who is obsessed with helping female founders elevate their brand visibility with smart SEO. 



May 23, 2023




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