Welcome to the NGCO Marketing Insider, where I share practical tips, in-depth guides, and actionable strategies to help you boost your online presence and grow your business! 

to the marketing insider


ChatGPT was launched on November 22, 2022, and it’s been a hot topic of conversation among many marketers, coaches, and online business owners since. However, I feel like the hard conversations about this topic are not being had because people want to find an easy way or a quick fix, and they’re not really thinking […]

ChatGPT was launched on November 22, 2022, and it’s been a hot topic of conversation among many marketers, coaches, and online business owners since. However, I feel like the hard conversations about this topic are not being had because people want to find an easy way or a quick fix, and they’re not really thinking […]

E26: ChatGPT and the Dangers of AI for Small Businesses featured image

Welcome back to The Elevated Visibility Podcast! I am so excited to be here for Season 2 and I’m kicking things off with something I’ve been wanting to talk about for a while, so buckle up. Today, we’re talking about TikTok SEO, if it is even really a thing, and if it is something that […]

E24: Is TikTok SEO a Thing - featured image

Get ready for today’s episode of Elevated Visibility, it’s short, sweet, and packs quite a punch. We are currently in the throes of Q4, so I’m going to talk to you today about planning for Q1. I’m sharing three actionable tips that are going to help you better prepare your strategy for the next quarter […]

Elevated Visibility Podcast E21 Featured Image

If you are somebody who has trouble finding things to write about when you create content for your business or if the content you are creating has not been helping you establish the authority and expertise you are looking for, this episode is 100% for you. We are starting out a new quarter, so in […]

Elevated Visibility E19 Why Keywords Still Matter for SEO

Say buh-bye to writer's block (and the excuses) and finally have a guide for knowing what to write. These blog templates put ChatGPT to shame and will kick-off your content writing magic!

41 Must-Have Blog Templates

free goodies!